Big north

Global south variously experiences war, heat, tyranny, crime, famine and chaos. So they head north.

Northern politics responds awkwardly and ineffectively to the onslaught. Every dimension, from economics, to race, to culture, fragments the demos.

So maybe the answer keep going north. What if the US were to establish open borders, for *Alaska*?

Canada has endless uninhabited northern territories that deliver, out of the box, a trinity of space, water and rule of law. Europe has Greenland. Russia has Siberia.

As a thought experiment, can we accommodate the entire human population north of Yukon?

Some might say it's mean to send people that far north. What about the people who live there already? This feels like the right alignment. And for the existing northerners, they become shareholders in this project. They become stewards and owners of the new trillion dollar economy up there, like the Emiratis or Qataris.

And like those boiling sheikhdoms, if it works at 120f with no water, it can work at -20f with endless ice.